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915 Southwest Blvd., Suite H

Jefferson City, MO 65109

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About The Our Chiropractic Services in Jefferson City, MO

About Our Chiropractic Services in Jefferson City, MO

Gentle and Advanced Care Methods

For some, a pinched nerve, back pain, or pregnancy related pains can make life more difficult, preventing you from completing tasks if you do not treat it with chiropractic, acupuncture, or other methods. Luckily, these conditions, in addition to many others, most often do not require surgery or medication to reduce pain and restore function. You probably found that out after looking up sciatic nerve pain online. Fortunately, our doctors are here to correctly diagnose and explain your condition, use gentle and advanced methods to treat your problem, and provide you with accurate information on how to prevent or manage it throughout life.

Our clinic focuses on you as an individual. When it comes to your chiropractic care, there is not a “one size fits all” strategy. Our doctors have been trained in multiple advanced, gentle adjustment and soft tissue techniques. They also recommend the right therapeutic exercise to ease your condition. Whether you are an athlete, pregnant mom, executive, or a stay-at-home parent, you will receive customized advanced care to improve joint motion and muscle tone, and to develop strength and stability the right way. Our goal is to get you feeling well quick, and to keep you active so you can live a healthy and full life.

Chiropractic Manipulative Techniques

Our doctors are trained in multiple techniques and they will determine which are best to use to treat your problem.

  • HVLA Diversified Technique: a gentle, short and quick impulse by the doctor’s hands is applied over restricted joints, with the goal of restoring normal range of motion in the joint.
  • Thompson Drop Technique: During adjustments doctors use specific leg checks to look for imbalances. This technique requires a specialized table that drops 1–2 inches while the doctor applies a low impact, quick impulse using their hands over joint segments with improper motion.
  • Activator: Activator Method chiropractic technique uses a spring-loaded, hand-held mechanical instrument called the Activator. This instrument allows chiropractors to provide a quick and controlled, low-force impulse at specific points to restore joint motion.
  • Manual mobilizations: a hands-on form of passive movement technique for musculoskeletal conditions. This involves applying a gentle force that mimics the glide that happens between bones.
  • Cox Flexion Distraction: is performed on a special table (designed by Dr. Cox), which has moving parts The combination of this special adjustment table and very gentle pressure uses flexion-distraction and decompression to increase the disc height between vertebrae, decompress the spinal column and restoring the spinal joints to their proper alignment and range of motion.

Muscle and Connective Tissue Therapy

A variety of muscle and connective tissue techniques may be used to improve muscle activation, stabilize joints and relieve pain.

  • Active Muscle Release: trapping the affected tissue with thumb or fingers and then moving the tissue from its shortened position to an elongated position.
  • Post-Isometric Relaxation: contracting a tense muscle isometrically against resistance and then encouraging it to lengthen during a period of complete voluntary relaxation.
  • Ischemic Compression: applying direct pressure to a trigger point in the muscle, followed by releasing the pressure. This technique reduces tension, restores circulation, and promotes healing.
  • Myofascial Release (John Barnes Myofascial Release Technique): applying gentle sustained pressure into connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.
  • Strain Counterstrain: The doctor passively shortens spasmed muscles, tightened connective and dysfunctional joints into positions of comfort. This relaxes aberrant reflexes allowing normal tone and function to return.
  • Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilizations: techniques that utilize instruments to break down scar tissue, increase blood flow, and stretch and mobilize connective tissue.
team photo

Muscle and Connective Tissue Therapy

A variety of muscle and connective tissue techniques may be used to improve muscle activation, stabilize joints and relieve pain.

  • Active Muscle Release: trapping the affected tissue with thumb or fingers and then moving the tissue from its shortened position to an elongated position.
  • Post-Isometric Relaxation: contracting a tense muscle isometrically against resistance and then encouraging it to lengthen during a period of complete voluntary relaxation.
  • Ischemic Compression: applying direct pressure to a trigger point in the muscle, followed by releasing the pressure. This technique reduces tension, restores circulation, and promotes healing.
  • Myofascial Release (John Barnes Myofascial Release Technique): applying gentle sustained pressure into connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.
  • Strain Counterstrain: The doctor passively shortens spasmed muscles, tightened connective and dysfunctional joints into positions of comfort. This relaxes aberrant reflexes allowing normal tone and function to return.
  • Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilizations: techniques that utilize instruments to break down scar tissue, increase blood flow, and stretch and mobilize connective tissue.

Experienced In Various Therapeutic Practices

Non-surgical spinal decompression could help with degenerative or herniated discs and sciatica, while electrical stimulation can ease associated muscle spasms and pain. It doesn't matter if nerve irritation, spasms or other symptoms are caused by injury, overuse or are from an unknown cause; we'll set you up with one of the best chiropractors in the area.

We have more than one chiropractor experienced in numerous therapeutic practices. They each offer unique perspectives and a variety of methods for reducing your radiating arm pain or leg pain and degenerative disc disease. If you would like a non-invasive approach, call us and allow our doctors to create a therapeutic plan specifically for you.

Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic exercises are prescribed exercises specific to each patient's condition and ability. The exercises correct impairment, improve muscle function, and/or maintain a state of well being. The therapeutic exercise seeks to accomplish the following goals:

  • Retrain muscles
  • Restore joint function
  • Prevent recurring injuries
  • Prevent doctor visits

Additionally, our doctors equip their patients with innovative techniques for maintaining proper posture, improving lifting mechanics or workouts, and determining Do's and Don'ts related to certain jobs or daily activities. The effectiveness of your treatment protocol depends on your commitment to your prescribed therapeutic exercises and your doctor's recommendations.

Therapeutic Modalities

Non surgical Decompression: Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression is a revolutionary new technology used to treat the following conditions:

  • Bulging discs or Herniated discs
  • Pinched nerves
  • Sciatica
  • Radiating arm pain or leg pain
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Facet syndromes

Cycles of decompression and partial relaxation are applied to spinal structures in a precise and graduated manner. This technique improves segmental mobility at targeted segments and thus may reduce pressure on adjacent nerve roots, the thecal sac, or both. The process occurs slowly and incrementally with each treatment, but cumulatively over 4-8 weeks, the results can be dramatic.

  • Intersegmental traction table: This is a table with rollers that moves up and down the spine creating a consistent motion. It mobilizes the spine while also stretching the ligaments and muscles.
  • Interferential Therapy: a type of electrical stimulation that penetrates deeper and is used to help decrease pain, swelling, and improves circulation to injured tissues.
  • High Volt Therapy: a type of electrical stimulation that penetrates deeper and is used to help decrease muscle spasm, pain, and swelling, and improves circulation to injured tissues.

Other Services

Our quality care is tailored specifically to your needs based on what your chiropractic physician observes. That’s because our chiropractic physicians takes a natural healthcare approach to address the source of your problem and make recommendations specific to your lifestyle, rather than providing general treatment and wellness advice.

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